Reaching the Epitome of Living Testimony & Releasing our Hidden Potential


To continue to grow the seed of Jesus in our lives no matter where we are. God place us in Occidental, God place us in His destined place, God has His ways to help us to grow in Him. Amen.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


1. Postponement of WOMEN'S GATHER & MEN'S GATHER

What's up with these sexist stuffs man?

Nobody A says: Blesphemy!
Nobody B says: Dun bluff.
Nobody A says: Then what? =.=

Check this Out:

The Women's gather and men's gather is not meant to seperate our beautiful ladies from our macho dudes. Laughs. It is simply a time of gathering together with our each gender, and discuss strategically how we can win more people from our gender each! Girls will still understand girls better, guys will still understand guys better right? (objections, just tag. haha.)

**More information will be up soon!

2. Combined Team Rally
Get's your tummy rumble for this exciting event coming up!

Date: 1 July 2007, Sunday
Venue: Nexus Auditorium
Time: 2.30pm onwards
Criteria: Coreteam and above

Oh well.. Personally everytime I went for the combined team rally it never fails to refresh my conviction for God and strengthening me for His work! Therefore I urge all coreteams to be present with me for this Rally! let God moves us together. =)

**Attendance compulsory for Baorun, Pooiyee, John and Shawn.

3. CT CG (Coreteam Caregroup)

It will be a really important meeting for all the workers to come together and learn once again the 3 "W"s and 1 "H" of Evangelism. Why we do, what we do, and where we do and how we do!

Come for this caregroup if you are interested to know what exactly is it about even if you are not a coreteam! For workers, let this time of gathering for a evangelism-based caregroup gear you up for the great harvest that will be coming!

Date: 30 June 2007, Saturday
Time: 2pm
Venue: Istana Park

**Other caregroup members are welcome!

Monday, June 25, 2007


1. Make a commitment to grow daily. One of the greatest mistakes people make is that they have the wrong focus. Success doesn't come from acquiring, achieving, or advancing. It comes only as the result of growing. If you make it your goal to grow a little everyday, it won't be long before you begin to see positive results in your life. As the poet Robert Browning said: "why stay on earth except to grow?"

2. Value the process more than events. Specific life events are good for making decisions, but its the process of change and growth that has lasting value. If you want to go to the next level, strive for continual improvement.

3. Don't wait for inspiration. Basketball great Jerry West said, "You can't get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good." The people who go far do so because they motivate themselves and give life their best, regardless of how they feel. To be succesful, persevere.

4. Be willing to sacrifice pleasure for opportunity. One of the greatest lessons to learn is pay now, plat later. For everything in life, you pay a price. You choose whether you will pay it on the front end or the back end. If you pay first, you will enjog greater rewards in the end - and those rewards taste sweeter.

5. Dream big. It doesn't pay to dream small. Robert J. Kriegel and Louis Patier, authors of If it ain't broke, break it, asserts, "We don't have a clue as to what people's limits are. All the tests, stopwatches, and finish time in the world can't measure human potential. When someone is pursuing their dreams, they'll go beyonf what seems to be their limitations. The potential that exists within us is limitless and largely untapped. When you think of limits, you create them."

6. Plan your priorities. One thing that all successful people have in common is that they have mastered the ability to manage their time. First and foremost, they have organised themselves. Henry Kaiser, founder of Kaiser Aluminium and Kaiser Permanente Health Care, says, "Every minute spent in planning will save you two in execution." You never regain lost time, so make the most of every moment.

7. Give up to go up. Nothing of value comes without sacrifice. Life is filled with critical moments when you will have the opportunity to trade one thing you value for another. Keep your eyes open for such moments - and always be sure to trade up, not down.

If you dedicate yourself to these seven steps, then you will keep improving - and you will be successful. Your growth may not be obvious to others all at once, but you will see your progress almost immediately. And though recognition from others may comes slowly, don't lose heart. Keep working at it. You will succeed in the end.

- Abstract from "SUCCESS, one day at a time" by John C. Maxwell

Thursday, June 21, 2007


The COOL man of the day: THOMAS our new Brother!
Rochers From the Eastraelites! So bless!
Me and dear Pooiyee!
Our RICH man of the day: FEASTING with his korean cuisine.
The SHY man of the day: Santono (You can never catch his face, he is sensitive to camera)
Bao Bao and our new Brother Thomas!

Photos! (After ESS, together with our new brother, Thomas!)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Specially for THOMAS!

Wednesday MCG

20th June 2007
Type: Matthew Caregroup cum New Believers Celebration
Theme: Life with God
Objectives: To guide new believers in their newly started journey together with God in their life. In addition, for friends who are joining us for the fun, to explain to them clearer what is christianity by letting them have a feel of what the community really does. In this case, if there are any misconceptions and fears in these non believers heart, it can be dissolved!
(Meant to invite those W stage contacts, especially those who have joined in service before)

Planners: Reach Harbourfront Bus station, Shuttle bus stop (12.30pm)
Actual Caregroup Time: 1pm (All to reach tentmaking location on time)
There will be:
  • Free and easy
  • Praise and worship
  • holy communion
  • highlight section (find out for urselves)

Will end around 8pm


Monday, June 18, 2007

Footprints in the Sand

One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of his life.

This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it. "LORD, You said that once I decided to follow you, You would walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times of my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed You most You would leave me."

The LORD replied, "My son, My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you. "

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Monday, June 4, 2007

wanting to blog something, and today i can le yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!...
i wan to share to everyone a verse in Proverbs
Prob 11: 25 A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Generous man doesnt only refer to giving generously, but encouraging one another.
Those encourage others will themselves be encouraged. so God is saying, want to be encouraged???? encourage someone today!!!!

this week's cg is to celebrate the end of term 1 and the beginning of HOLIDAYS!!!!! we may go to a hotel called Singapore Quality hotel to eat the buffet. veri cheap, less than $10.. u know where is it???? its 5 mins from my house!!!!! haha!!!!! yeah!!!!!! then can come to my house and take a look..but i dun think my house has so many cups to serve u all drink..LOL

by: bao