Reaching the Epitome of Living Testimony & Releasing our Hidden Potential


To continue to grow the seed of Jesus in our lives no matter where we are. God place us in Occidental, God place us in His destined place, God has His ways to help us to grow in Him. Amen.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Randomness Blog Game

Oh no, got tagged by CL cum shepherd again!
I don’t have 20 sentences, but hopefully 16 is enough.

1) I’m a thinking thinker. I think why I think. I think of what I think. I think of how I think. I think of where and when I think

2) Meanings are very meaningful in my life. Without meanings, I’m nothing, I did nothing.

3) God does not just part the Red Sea, HE part me as well by letting me handle east and west all at once. But I sometimes collapsed into myself and become a black hole after that.

4) Eagles trail their prey before they swoop under the blue sky. Owls conceal themselves before swooping. I’m of course the owl, hiding in my cloak of stealth, eyeing the prey from the shadows before appearing from nowhere and vanishing in a flash with a prey in hand.

5) I like. I like to like. I like Obama. That’s at least a change you can believe in.
(Obama: Change we can believe in)

6) You want to change the world? First change your own world.

7) I would like to see a pastor become President but sadly, I have no faith in that, not at least in Mike Huckabee.

8) John Edwards has a gorgeous wife but the polls shows otherwise. This reflects a truth in life: One cannot enjoy the best of both worlds; it’s either the White House or the wife. 鱼与熊掌不能兼得。

9) Life is a training process and I train to train.

10) When I shoot, I do not miss. When I know I’ll miss, I don’t bother to shoot.

11) Some people read too much science and they claim that the bible is nonsense. Renaissance priests read too much of the bible and they said the Earth was flat. The fact is: True science has never disagreed with the truth and the truth comes from the bible. Science is a finite way of defining an infinite God.

12) Righteousness is the world’s ultimate weapon, nothing has ever triumph against it.

13) They say that I’m very much like a perfectionist. I disagree, I’m just an idealist.

14) Douglas MacArthur once said, “Those who say that the pen is mightier than the sword obviously have not seen automatic weapons.” I’ve seen automatic weapon but still believe that the pen is mightier than the sword.

15) I’m actually a scholarly scholar and used to be an incorrigible teaser of petites filles in my virgin youth. Don’t be misled by my looks.

16) My arms are more efficient than my mouth: I write better than speak, do more work than talking.

I don't like to tag others, unlike someone...
You all huh, don't learn anything and everything from this post hor, it's just to entertain CL only!

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